Capital move, dear chap! But now I will shift this beastly crypto-pachyderm six paces
towards your dastardly iron canine, as to deliver the soundest of thrashings! What-ho!
Apologies chaps, I’ve been away for the first 2 weeks of July for my holidays, hence no update.
However, I gots me my 40K-fix when on holiday visiting my family, by teaching both my 13 and 9-year old younger brothers to model, and paint, their Black Reach models and Space Marine battleforce sets I got them for their birthdays previously!
I thought them the basics of proper basecoating, washes, drybrushing, highlighting, etc. For some reason, when I listened to my youngest brother talk about how the White Scars chapter are his favourite, by he’d really like to paint his marines in Raven Guard colours as they look ‘cool’, brought back memories of my early Warhammer 40K days.