Friday, 26 February 2010

Wednesday Night Gaming: Assault on Fortress Lorl

I fart in your general direction.

Another Wednesday Night has passed, so we bring you a battle report of a Planetstrike 2000 point game, in which I play Imperial Guard attackers VS Laur’s defending Space Marines.

You know the drill! We compare and analyse lists, look at the terrain, and onwards to the battle report!

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

The Trouble with Storm Troopers: The 7 Points Problem

Storm Troopers. They take a lot of flak for supposedly being overpriced, and underperforming, what with Chimelta vets being the Prom King of the new IG. Why take glory boys with only 2 special weapon slots, at 18 points each for the first 5no. stormies, then 16 points each for another 5no., when you can take Grenadier Vets, also BS4, which comes with 3no. special weapon slots?

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Planetstrike Solution: Spam Attack – IG Dirty Tricks!

Mrs Bun: Have you got anything without SPAM?
Waitress: Well, there’s SPAM, egg, sausage, and SPAM; that’s not got much SPAM in it.

Come Wednesday, there will be another 2000 point Planetstrike game in which the roles have been reversed. Will Laur and his Ultramarines gain his revenge? Will the Ultrasmurfs defend, repel and overcome the invading Imperial Guard? Will the Imperial Guard be doomed to failure?

Friday, 19 February 2010

Wednesday Night Gaming: Tanks for the Memories

Bring a Scout to a Tank fight?

Wednesday Night Gaming has come and gone, and today we bring you a battle report of a Planetstrike 2000 point game, as mentioned previously. Laur plays the attacking Space Marines, while I play the defending Imperial Guard.

Following on from the previous discussion, it’s time for us to compare lists to see the where’s and why’s of our individual army compositions, and see what impact they will have on the game.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Planetstrike Solution: Tank Spam

Meals on wheels. Savoury & delicious!

It’s Wednesday, that means Wednesday Night Gaming! But first, a special pre-game pre-batrep!

Readers may recall in my last 2000 point battle, my ‘Dirty Basterds’ list got their @sses handed to them with a combination of 2nd turn, Dawn of War setup, Shrike Bikes sneakery, bad rolling, getting bunched up in the corner, and poor elite choices in list-building.

Tonight however, we will be playing a 2000 point Planetstrike game with me as the defender, and Laur (Marines) as the attacker. He’s already hinted on using Landspeeders with Scouts as a main part of his force, but what I’d like to concentrate on here in this pre-article article is tanks. Lots of tanks.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Homebrew Rules & Fandexes

If you build it they will come

Great starter article by Big Jim over at Galaxy in Flames regarding fan-dex design, a must-read for all fans of fan-dexes and homebrew rules afficianadoes alike.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

A Very Special Rebus 40K!

Here at the 512th Cadian I'm proud to say I've joined a very special Alliance. Hooray!

Friday, 12 February 2010

Wednesday Games Night: Mortal Kombat Patrol


Ready for some hot, Psyker-on-Psyker action? Read on readers!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Get to da Choppa!

Hasta La Vista, baby!
Artwork © Games Workshop - Source: Imperial Guard Codex 2nd edition

Every child of the 80's I know of has been a big fan of Arnie, boys and girls alike. I am no exception. In fact, eagle-eyed readers may have noticed the new blog header, crafted lovingly in homage, or to ape, the Predator movie poster featuring the Governator himself.

So without further adieu I present one of my best-loved miniatures in my collection.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Artwork: Project Big Kahuna - 06

Burnt tau(st)

Note: All illustration work depicted here is fan art which is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Oh noes more Rebus 40K.

"Crikey, that's a bonza Rebus!"
- Alligator Aberdeen

You lucky, lucky Australians, clicking away solving 40K-themed picture puzzles when you should be at university/working/sleeping. How I spoil you people.

A brand new quickfire round of Rebus 40K, to thank my 2 loyal readers from Oz! Who will win the No-prize for being the first to guess the overall theme AND all answers correct?

D.J. Batman? Gotthammer? Or someone else?

Some hard ones here this time (I think). Thanks for playing!


Note: All images used here for entertainment purposes and completely without permission being completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd. Thank you for playing.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Preview: Project Big Kahuna - A Better Tomorrow

It's a bit of a risk for me showing off WIP pages of Project Big Kahuna, as so far all I've previewed are but mere art samples, but Project Big Kahuna is all about the risks.

So here's an actual 98% completed page for all you loyal readers, followers, and the curious alike. I would say the project is barely scratching the surface in terms of rate of progress, but progress is ongoing. Stay tuned!

Note: All illustration work depicted here is fan art and all fan supplement rules are completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Still more Rebus 40K

"Get to the Rebus!"
- Ditch

This blog is now one month young!

That means a new banner, and a new round of Rebus 40K! No-prize to the correct guess of the overall theme, thanks for playing and a bigger thank you for reading/following so far!


Note: All images used here for entertainment purposes and completely without permission being completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd. Thank you for playing.