Monday, 31 May 2010

Love for the Hounds of Hati

The hounds of love are calling...

I have been developing a new army icon/logo for Magilla over at Table Top War, for the purposes of creating a decal sheet for his new 40K army!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Wednesday Night Gaming: Time Gentlemen, Please!

Wednesday Gaming Nights have been rather erratic of late,

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

2010: The Body Cannot Live WIthout The Mind

Just a short little post here, to ensure the 40K bloggosphere that in the month of May, the Cadian 512th still exists!

Thought I'd show off by posting my Psyker Battle Squad as seen here:

Oops! I meant these guys below, in which I refurbished a squad of Necromunda Delaque models from the Bay of Ecstasy. They truly were a joy to paint.

Pretty nifty huh? I hope you all think so. The nod to the Trenchcoat Movie Mafia is obvious, and the Delaque's have a pretty distinctive look anyway which is what you want from a PBS.

I've not used them much though, as from this battle report in which in the 4 turns they were on the board they achieved 2no. Perils of the Warp, 1no. Psychic Test Failure. Perhaps I will have better luck with them next time.

I have still yet to try out the 'synergy' of using the Ratling/PBS combo to neutralise enemies with Weaken Resolve/Pinning. Soon maybe.

In fact, scouring the Internet I now realise that someone has already brilliantly captured this synergy by making the Ratlings the Psykers!

I kid, I kid. They are fantastic conversions and great models though, and are my favourite Psyker Battle Squad conversion I have seen. Hats off to Mr. Dave Taylor.

I mean what genetically-augmented power-armoured futuristic militaristic jingoistic pious super-soldier of the grimdark 41st Millenium wouldn't cower against the mighty power of the Bald, Creepy, Psychic Stare?

Until next time..

Note: Images here used without permission.